What is a standing desk?

Should you get a standing desk for the home office?

Working from home is nothing new nowadays. Most of us are working from home at least under some special situations. Different from working at the company office, it is easy for most employees to feel less productive while working at home all day. It’s might because nobody else, especially the manager, is keeping an eye on you. Or it is the improper desk that slows down your working efficiency. Whether you are working on the kitchen table, dining table, or dressing table, you might not feel as good as using an adjustable standing desk for the home office.

What is the adjustable standing desk? As its name suggests, you can adjust the height of the standing desk according to your requirements in different scenarios. For example, when you have to sit for a long time and feel uncomfortable, you can raise the desk height and stand at work to relieve yourself from chronic health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers that can be triggered by too much sitting. The versa is also true, when you are tired after standing up for hours, you can also lower the standing desk height to sit down comfortably.

adjustable standing desk

What you should consider when choosing an uplift desk?

From above, it is easy to get that no matter standing all day or sitting all day is harmful to our health. Therefore, the wisest choice is to change posture intermittently, switching from sitting to standing at regular intervals. So, the adjustable standing desk is becoming increasingly popular day by day. However, how to choose the best standing desk for home office becomes quite complex since many options are available on the market.

When diving into the standing desk, you are bound to have some questions. Next, we have rounded up some important considerations you should take to help you choose the most proper and comfortable standing desk for your home office.

Your feet will ache

Height Range

Leg cramps


Circulatory issues


Your feet will ache

Ease of adjustment

Your feet will ache

Weight capacity

Your feet will ache

Appearance and Style

Your feet will ache


What’s the best standing desk for the home office?

What is the best adjustable standing desk for a home office? It depends on the above factors and importantly, the individual user requirements. A proper uplift standing desk, such as the SOLOS V2 Standing Desk can make you more productive and comfortable while working at home. Besides, it also plays important role in improving poor desk posture and mitigating chronic body pain associated with sitting throughout the day.