When we think of common injuries in the workplace, generally we tend to think of jobs and workspaces where there is a high risk of danger. You know, places like factories, busy kitchens, jobs out in the wilderness, those types of things. We don’t, however, tend to think of quiet office jobs. Afterall, most office jobs require you to sit at your desk for several hours per day in front of a computer, so how dangerous can sitting be? It turns out that sitting can be very dangerous.

Right now, chiropractors and physiotherapists are in higher demand than ever before, due largely to the fact that so many people spend so long sitting at a desk each day. Doctors say that ‘sitting is the new smoking’ due to the fact it can cause all kinds of issues.

From misaligned spines and bad posture to weight gain and declining mental health, sitting is something we need to be doing less of, or at the very least, we need to be sitting in the right way. This is where you can benefit from using ergonomic office furniture.

With ergonomic chair and ergonomic desk sales now higher than ever, it’s easy to see the benefits of ergonomic furniture. Here are several key reasons why ergonomic office furniture is important.


Ergonomic furniture is great for posture


One of the main reasons why so many people are now using ergonomic office furniture in their places of work, is due to the fact that it’s so great for posture.

Ergonomic office furniture helps to keep the body aligned and prevents curvature of the spine, and it prevents you from slumping forwards and hunching your shoulders.

Bad posture can cause loss of height, it can knock your body out of alignment, it can cause back pain, headaches, neck ache, and much more besides. By investing in an ergonomic chair or an ergonomic desk, you can avoid bad posture and keep everything in alignment.


Ergonomic office furniture is comfortable


At work, if you’re uncomfortable then not only will your mental health suffer, but so too will your productivity levels.

Regular cheap office furniture offers no support so it can be uncomfortable and if it affects your posture, overtime it can even be painful and can affect your overall quality of life. Ergonomic furniture however, is a much better option.

An ergonomic chair such as the Solos Premium Ergonomic Chair for example, is as comfortable as it is stylish. With a strong aluminium base, lumbar support for the lower back, mesh material for air circulation, and up to 9 adjustments, this chair really is the perfect all arounder for anybody looking to be comfortable at work.

Ergonomic office furniture helps to keep you comfortable at work, which in turn helps lift your mood and improves your productivity in the process.


Ergonomic office furniture is customizable


People come in all shapes and sizes, and because of that, a ‘one size fits all’ approach to office furniture is simply not feasible.

The great thing about purchasing, say, an ergonomic desk is the fact that these desks are customizable so you can customize it to suit you specifically.

The SOLOS Glass Standing Desk for example, features a stunning design, but can also be adjusted manually in height via one-touch operation. It features four memory-height pre-sets, an anti-collision system, and heaps more features besides.

Because these ergonomic desks can be adjusted so fast, and so quickly, you can alternate between sitting and standing with the touch of a button and you can set the desk at the perfect height for you, and you, alone.


Ergonomic office furniture can be attractive


In a business setting, perception is reality, and first impressions matter. If you want to make a great first impression with your clients, it’s important to ensure your office looks the part. This is where ergonomic office furniture can help.

With products such as the SOLOS V2 Premium Standing Desk, and the SOLOS Fashion Ergonomic Chair, not only is this furniture comfortable and supportive, it is also stylish and fashionable.

With sleek and modern designs in a contemporary finish, these types of products can really enhance the overall aesthetics of an office or a business, and breathe new life into tired workstations.


Ergonomic office furniture can improve your mental health


People that deal with persistent neck ache, headaches, and back pain caused by poor posture and sitting for too long will attest to the fact that it hardly puts you in a very pleasant mood. In fact, let’s not beat around the bush, it makes you miserable.

If you are constantly in pain your quality of life is affected, you’re limited with activities that you can and cannot do, and your mental health will suffer as a result. 

When using ergonomic office furniture, after a while you’ll notice your aches and pains going away, you’ll become more mobile, you’ll be pain free, you’ll find it easier to sleep, your mood will lift, and you’ll feel much happier. 

Never underestimate the power of being comfortable and pain-free, especially as far as your mental health is concerned.


Ergonomic furniture improves productivity


Finally, as if you needed yet another reason to invest in ergonomic furniture for your office or workspace, how about the fact that it can improve productivity?

Ergonomic furniture is comfortable, it eases and prevents pain and discomfort, and it improves your mental health. If you are comfortable, pain-free, thinking straight, and feel good, your productivity levels will surely improve.

Rather than being distracted by the pain in your back, or having to get up to grab painkillers because of your headache caused by a pinched nerve, you can sit up straight, or stand up straight, and focus solely on getting your work done with no distractions, thereby allowing you to get more done.